
‘Multicultural anxieties in England: Schooling liberalism and the problem of religious expression’, in Moreteza Hashemi and Christopher R. Cotter (eds) Religion in Fortress Europe: Perspectives on Belief, Citizenship and Identity in a Time of Polarized Politics, Bloomsbury: London, 2023.

‘Claiming Whiteness’, Ethnicities. 20(1), 2020. Pdf available here.

(with G.K. Bhambra) ‘Colonialism, Post-Colonialism and the Liberal Welfare State’ in New Political Economy (special issue on Raced Markets), 23(5) 2018. Pdf available here.

‘Divisions of Labour: Sociology in search of a new jurisdiction’ in Graham Crow and Jaimie Ellis (eds) Revisiting Divisions of Labour. Manchester University Press, 2017. Pdf available here.

‘Exit from the point of view of Entry’ in W. Outhwaite (ed) Brexit: Sociological Responses. Anthem: 2017. Pdf available here.

‘Moral economy versus political economy: provincializing Polanyi’ in C. Karner, & B. Weicht (eds.), The Commonalities of Global Crises: Markets, Communities and Nostalgia. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Pdf available here.

‘Social Rights and Complex Freedom: Comment on Fernando Atria’ Social and Legal Studies. 24(4) 2015. Pdf available here.

‘Beyond capital: the challenge for sociology in Britain’, British Journal of Sociology, 65(4), 2014. Pdf available here.

‘Citizenship and social class revisited: social science and its publics’ in M. del Mar and C. Michelon (eds) The Anxiety of the Jurist: Legality, Exchange and Judgement, (Ashgate, 2013). Pdf available here.

‘Gender and critical realism: a critique of Sayer’ Sociology 35(4) 2001. Pp 947-65. Pdf available here.

‘Europe and the “Americanisation” of British social policy’ European Societies 2(4), 2000. Pp 453-87. Pdf available here.

‘Three pillars of welfare state theory: T.H. Marshall, Karl Polanyi, Alva Myrdal in defence of the “national” welfare state’ European Journal of Social Theory 3(1), 2000 Pp 23-50. Pdf available here.

‘Postmodernity, citizenship and inequality: social theory in “the new consumer society”‘ in: P. Sulkunen, J. Holmwood, H. Radner, G. Schulze, (eds) Constructing the New Consumer Society, (Macmillan, 1997) Pp. 58-78. Pdf available here.

‘Gender, the professions and employment citizenship’ (with J. Siltanen) International Journal of the Social Sciences 24(4), 1995. Pp 43-66. [also in T.P. Boje (ed) A Changing Europe: Trends in Welfare State and Labour Market, M.E. Sharpe, 1995]. Pdf available here.

‘On “Citizenship and civilising processes”‘ in B.S. Turner (ed) Citizenship, Civil Society and Social Cohesion, ESRC report, June 1992. Pp. 268-294.

‘W(h)ither welfare?’ Work, Employment and Society 5(2) 1991. Pp. 283-304. Pdf available here.

‘The role of contradictions in modern theories of social stratification’ (with A. Stewart) Sociology 17(2) 1983. Pp 234-254. Pdf available here.
